100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in China

The Om Yoga Vedanta Centers are glad to spread the mission of kunwar Yoga. Om yoga has been making excellent conditions with a desert spring of harmony in a disorganized reality where individuals from varying backgrounds can meet up to rehearse yoga, reflection, and connect with their actual, divine self.

100 Hours Yoga TTTC in China

This multi-week course, which offers a significant individual encounter, will permit you to transmit the information on yoga to other people. The otherworldly embodiment of yoga is found out through a blend of rehashed practice and helpful exercises. Among the numerous advantages that understudies report are more prominent otherworldly mindfulness, a feeling of association with the awesome, a freshly discovered feeling of self-restraint, upgraded confidence, improved intensity of fixation and expanded quality and adaptability.

A training testament from the 100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in China is granted upon the fruitful finish of this inundation course. The ISYVC has prepared more than 35,000 yoga educators to date since 1969. The educational plan incorporates asanas, pranayama, contemplation, Vedanta reasoning, life structures/physiology, Bhagavad Gita, mantra, and kriyas.


  • Yoga asana and pranayama classes
  • Exercises on the most proficient method to encourage a yoga class
  • Two every day satsang, contemplation, reciting and address
  • Vedanta reasoning, life structures/physiology, and Bhagavad Gita
  • Confirmation upon effective finishing of the course
  • Day by day veggie lover early lunch and supper 15 evenings settlement


Upon fruitful consummation of the course, understudies get the Certificate of the International OmYoga, entitled 100 Hours Yoga TTTC in China. This preparation is enlisted by and satisfies the prerequisites for the 200-hour affirmation, for which alumni of the program are welcome to enroll.

Educational program

  • Hatha yoga
  • Hatha yoga hypothesis, the astral body
  • The nadis (vitality channels) and chakras (vitality focuses)
  • Yoga asanas, the sun greeting and the 12 essential yoga stances.
  • Propelled varieties
  • Impacts of asanas on the physical and astral body
  • Appropriate stance arrangement
  • Profound unwinding, the arrival of blocked vitality
  • Pranayama kapalabhati, anuloma viloma (interchange nostril breath)
  • Progressed pranayama works out, kriyas
  • Contemplation
  • Contemplation, 12 rules for reflection
  • Advantages of contemplation
  • Mantras and mantra commencement (whenever mentioned)
  • Yoga reasoning and brain research
  • Systems of contemplation
  • Mechanics of the psyche
  • Positive reasoning systems
  • Impediments to contemplation.
  • The Five Points of Yoga as per Swami Vishnu-devananda
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Brain research of the otherworldly wannabe
  • Law of karma, Vedanta theory
  • 4 old style yoga ways: Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Raja yoga
  • 8 appendages of yoga and Jnana yoga (Vedanta theory and methods of self-enquiry).
  • Showing the sun greeting and the 12 fundamental stances
  • The fundamental class
  • Showing novices and moderate understudies
  • Adjust instructing to exceptional gatherings
  • Life structures and physiology
  • The impacts of Hatha yoga on significant body frameworks
  • Yogic eating routine and nourishment
  • Moral, wellbeing and otherworldly explanations behind vegetarianism
  • Bhagavad Gita Study

Analysis of the Bhagavad Gita, which is the most perused old-style sacred text. It gives general lessons on the best way to carry out your responsibility and behave in the combat zone of life.

  • Kirtan
  • Positive enthusiastic impacts of reciting
  • Right elocution and mental disposition
  • Mantra and sound recuperating
  • The practice of opening of the heart to the heavenly


Yoga Fees

200 hours yoga teacher training centre in rishikesh

Discover a 100 Hr, 200 Hr, 300 Hr, Retreat 7 Days, 15 Days yoga instructor education publications value with certification with us. Yoga instructor education at pleasant costs.

200 hours yoga teacher training school in rishikesh

100 Hour TTC

USD 499

(With Yoga Alliance USA Certificate)

  • Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation
  • Anatomy and Philosophy
  • Cleansing
  • 15 Day Course
  • 1 Day Tour
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Hatha, Ashtanga Yoga
  • Food & Room
  • Certificate

100 Hour Yoga TTC
200 hours yoga teacher training classes in rishikesh

200 Hour TTC

USD 999

(With Yoga Alliance USA Certificate)

  • Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation
  • Anatomy and Philosophy
  • Cleansing
  • 28 Day Course
  • 1 Day Tour
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Food & Room
  • Certificate
  • Advance Classes
  • Hatha, Ashtanga & Vinyasa Yoga
  • Body and Emotional Detoxification

200 Hour Yoga TTC
200 hour yoga classes in rishikesh

300 Hour TTC

USD 1499

(With Yoga Alliance USA Certificate)

  • Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation
  • Anatomy and Philosophy
  • Cleansing
  • 35 Day Course
  • 2 Day Tour
  • Yoga Theory
  • Food & Room
  • Certificate
  • Advance Classes
  • Naturopathy and Emotional Rebalancing
  • Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Iyengar Yoga
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